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Transition helps make a UI expressive and easy to use.

Material-UI provides a number of transitions that can be used to introduce some basic motion to your applications components.

To better support server rendering Material-UI provides a style property to the children of some transition components (Fade, Grow, Zoom, Slide). The style property must be applied to the DOM for the animation to work as expected.

// The `props` object contains a `style` property.
// You need to provide it to the `div` element as shown here.
function MyComponent(props) {
  return (
    <div {...props}>

export default Main() {
  return (
      <MyComponent />


Expand vertically from the top of the child element. The collapsedHeight property can be used to set the minimum height when not expanded.


Fade in from transparent to opaque.

  control={<Switch checked={checked} onChange={handleChange} />}
<div className={classes.container}>
  <Fade in={checked}>
    <Paper elevation={4} className={classes.paper}>
      <svg className={classes.svg}>
        <polygon points="0,100 50,00, 100,100" className={classes.polygon} />


Expand outwards from the center of the child element, while also fading in from transparent to opaque.

The second example demonstrates how to change the transform-origin, and conditionally applies the timeout property to change the entry speed.


Slide in from the edge of the screen. The direction property controls which edge of the screen the transition starts from.

The Transition component's mountOnEnter property prevents the child component from being mounted until in is true. This prevents the relatively positioned component from scrolling into view from it's off-screen position. Similarly the unmountOnExit property removes the component from the DOM after it has been transition off screen.

<div className={classes.wrapper}>
    control={<Switch checked={checked} onChange={handleChange} />}
  <Slide direction="up" in={checked} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit>
    <Paper elevation={4} className={classes.paper}>
      <svg className={classes.svg}>
        <polygon points="0,100 50,00, 100,100" className={classes.polygon} />


Expand outwards from the center of the child element.

This example also demonstrates how to delay the enter transition.

TransitionComponent prop

The components accept a TransitionComponent prop to customize the default transitions. You can use any of the above components or your own. It should respect the following conditions:

  • Accepts an in prop. This corresponds to the open/close state.
  • Call the onEnter callback prop when the enter transition starts.
  • Call the onExited callback prop when the exit transition is completed. These two callbacks allow to unmount the children when in a closed state and fully transitioned.